Praxis Hartmut Jähnichen
Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Arzt für Palliativ- und Suchtmedizin, Wundexperte nach ICW

Our services for your health

In our practice, you have the opportunity to take advantage of services tailored to your individual needs.

Our practice offers the possibility of performing minor surgical procedures under local anesthesia.

We also support you in all aspects of rehabilitation measures. Rehabilitation/mobilization after a long illness or hospital stay is an important factor in promoting your recovery and helping you to get back to a smooth daily routine.

The following pages will give you a first impression of our range of services.

Prevention: Health check-up with skin cancer screening, cancer screening for men, aortic aneurysm screening from the age of 70

Diagnostics: Laboratory blood and urine tests, abdominal ultrasound, thyroid ultrasound, resting ECG, long-term ECG, long-term blood pressure measurement, spirometry, arterial blood flow measurement using ABI and vascular Doppler, dementia tests, stroke risk assessment, MRSA diagnostics

Therapy: development of individual therapy plans, treatment of chronic wounds, treatment of diabetic foot, symptom control of palliative illnesses, basic psychosomatic care, iontophoresis, infrared light therapy, short-wave therapy and TENS, trigger point infiltration therapy using local anaesthetics, heat and cold cauterization

Chronic diseases (DMP): DMP for diabetes mellitus type 2, COPD, asthma and CHD, GP programs AOK BW, IKK classic, EK BW, BKK GWQ and Bosch BKK

Alternative healing methods: Autologous blood cures, acupuncture (A-diploma), restorative cures, bloodletting

Health services: Cardisiography, sports fitness examination, diving fitness examination, travel vaccination advice, driving license examination, youth protection examinations, advice on living wills, individual examinations such as blood sampling etc. 

We are happy to offer these, please ask us

